
This project is hosted in two places: GitHub and Gitorious. I gladly accept pull/merge requests from both services. Gitorious does not seem to provide an issue tracker, so the GitHub issue tracker is the only one to use at the moment.

Filing Issues

Issues include bugs, feedback, and feature requests. Before you file a new issue, please make sure that your issue has not already been filed by someone else.

When filing a bug, please include the following information:

  • Operating system name and version. If on Linux, please also include the distribution name.
  • System architecture. For example, x86, x86-64, ARM7.
  • The version of OATH Toolkit installed, and the method that it was installed (for example, from source or via package manager).
  • Python version, by running python -V.
  • Installed Python packages, by running pip freeze.
  • A detailed list of steps to reproduce the bug.
  • If the bug is a Python exception, the traceback will be very helpful.

Pull Requests

If you contribute code, please also create tests for your modifications, otherwise your request will not be accepted (I will most likely ask you to add tests). Please make sure your pull requests pass the continuous integration suite, by running tox before creating your submission. (Run pip install tox if it’s not already installed.) The CI suite is automatically run for every pull request on GitHub, but at this time it’s faster to run it locally. It would probably also be in your best interests to add yourself to the AUTHORS.rst file if you have not done so already.

As of version 1.0.0, this project uses the Semantic Versioning scheme. If your pull request makes incompatible API changes or adds new functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, please emphasize that in your pull request message.

Development Environment

A Vagrant environment is available for developing pyoath-toolkit. Run the following command in the top-level source directory (once Vagrant is installed):

user@host:pyoath-toolkit$ vagrant up

...and it will install all of the Python dependencies in a virtualenv. You can then log into the virtual machine and install the package in develop mode:

user@host:pyoath-toolkit$ vagrant ssh
# ...
vagrant@vagrant:~$ source .virtualenv/bin/activate
(.virtualenv)vagrant@vagrant:~$ pip install -e /vagrant


  • Mark Lee