Source code for oath_toolkit

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013, 2014 Mark Lee
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.
Base API for handling one-time passwords.

There are two API types: simple and advanced. The simple API (:class:`HOTP`
and :class:`TOTP`) is based on the two-factor authentication API in the
`Cryptography library`_. The advanced API (:class:`OATH`) is based on the
functional API in OATH Toolkit's liboath_.

When compared to the :class:`HOTP`/:class:`TOTP` classes:

* :class:`OATH` has a more customizable set of parameters.
* :class:`OATH` is more likely to add parameters to its method as OATH Toolkit
  gains APIs.

.. _Cryptography library:
.. _liboath:

from abc import ABCMeta
import base64
import hashlib
import os
if not os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS') and not os.environ.get('SETUP_PY'):
    try:  # pragma: no cover
        from . import impl_cython as oath
    except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
        from . import impl_cffi as oath
from .exc import OATHError
from .metadata import DESCRIPTION, VERSION

__description__ = DESCRIPTION
__version__ = VERSION

    # hashlib.sha256,
    # hashlib.sha512,

class OTP(object):

    """Base class for one-time password (OTP) implementations."""

    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
    __slots__ = ['_algorithm']

    def __init__(self, key, length, algorithm=None):
        if not algorithm:
            algorithm = hashlib.sha1
        self.algorithm = algorithm

        self.key = key
        self.length = length

    def algorithm(self):
        The hash algorithm used during OTP generation.

        Not currently implemented (requires liboath >= 2.6.0).
        return self._algorithm

    def algorithm(self, value):
        if value not in OTP_ALGORITHMS:
            raise ValueError('Unrecognized OTP algorithm')
        self._algorithm = value

[docs]class HOTP(OTP): """ HMAC-based one-time password (HOTP) convenience implementation. API based on :class:`cryptography.hazmat.primitives.twofactor.hotp.HOTP`. :param bytes key: The secret key. :param int length: The length of generated one-time passwords. :param algorithm: The hash algorithm used during OTP generation. Not currently implemented (requires liboath >= 2.6.0). Defaults to HMAC-SHA1. """ __slots__ = ['key', 'length', '_algorithm'] def __init__(self, key, length, algorithm=None): super(HOTP, self).__init__(key, length, algorithm)
[docs] def generate(self, counter): """ Generate an OTP at the specified offset in the OTP stream. :param counter: The start counter in the OTP stream. :type counter: :func:`int` or :func:`long` :rtype: :func:`bytes` """ return oath.hotp_generate(self.key, counter, self.length, False, -1)
[docs] def verify(self, hotp, counter, window=0): """ Verify that the given one-time password is within the range of generated OTPs, given ``counter`` and ``window``. :param bytes hotp: The OTP to verify. :param counter: The start counter in the OTP stream. :type counter: :func:`int` or :func:`long` :param int window: The number of OTPs after the start counter to test. :return: The position in the OTP window, where ``0`` is the first position. :rtype: :func:`int` :raise: :class:`OATHError` if invalid """ return oath.hotp_validate(self.key, counter, window, hotp)
[docs]class TOTP(OTP): """ Time-based one-time password (TOTP) convenience implementation. API based on :class:`cryptography.hazmat.primitives.twofactor.totp.TOTP`. :param bytes key: The secret key. :param int length: The length of generated one-time passwords. :param int time_step: The time step size, which is essentially the lifetime of a given OTP, in seconds. To be clear, this does not mean that the start of the lifetime is the ``time`` value given to a method of this object. It is recommended to set this value to ``30``. :param algorithm: The hash algorithm used during OTP generation. Not currently implemented (requires liboath >= 2.6.0). Defaults to HMAC-SHA1. """ __slots__ = ['key', 'length', '_algorithm', 'time_step'] def __init__(self, key, length, time_step, algorithm=None): super(TOTP, self).__init__(key, length, algorithm) self.time_step = time_step
[docs] def generate(self, time): """ Generate an OTP for the given time value. :param time: The UNIX timestamp-encoded time value. :type time: :func:`int` or :func:`long` :rtype: :func:`bytes` """ return oath.totp_generate(self.key, time, self.time_step, 0, self.length)
[docs] def verify(self, totp, time, window=0): """ Verify that the given one-time password is within the range of generated OTPs, given ``counter`` and ``window``. :param bytes totp: The OTP to verify. :param time: The UNIX timestamp-encoded time value. :type time: :func:`int` or :func:`long` :param int window: The number of OTPs before and after the start OTP to test. :return: The position in the OTP window, where ``0`` is the first position. :rtype: :func:`int` :raise: :class:`OATHError` if invalid """ return oath.totp_validate(self.key, time, self.time_step, 0, window, totp)
[docs]class OATH(object): """ A convenience class that is a direct port of the OATH Toolkit API. """ __slots__ = [] @property def library_version(self): """ The version of liboath being used. :rtype: :func:`bytes` """ return oath.library_version
[docs] def check_library_version(self, version): """ Determine whether the library version is greater than or equal to the specified version. :param bytes version: The dotted version number to check :rtype: :func:`bool` """ return oath.check_library_version(version)
@staticmethod def _chunk_iterable(iterable, n, fillvalue=None): """ Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks. >>> list(OATH._chunk_iterable('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x')) ['ABC', 'DEF', 'Gxx'] Copied from the Python documentation in the itertools module. """ from ._compat import zip_longest args = [iter(iterable)] * n return zip_longest(fillvalue=fillvalue, *args)
[docs] def base32_encode(self, data, human_readable=False): """ Base32-encode data. :param data: The data to be encoded. Must be castable into a :func:`bytes` object. :param bool human_readable: If :data:`True`, transforms the Base32 string into space-separated chunks of 4 characters, removing trailing ``=``. :rtype: bytes """ from ._compat import bytify, to_bytes if not data: return b'' encoded = base64.b32encode(to_bytes(data)) if human_readable: chunked_iterable = self._chunk_iterable(encoded, 4) encoded = b' '.join([bytify(chunk) for chunk in chunked_iterable]) encoded = encoded.rstrip(b'=') return encoded
def _py_base32_decode(self, data): data = data.replace(b' ', b'').upper() if len(data) % 8 != 0: data = data.ljust((int(len(data) / 8) + 1) * 8, b'=') return base64.b32decode(data)
[docs] def base32_decode(self, data): """ Decode Base32 data. Unlike :func:`base64.b32decode`, it handles human-readable Base32 strings. :param bytes data: The data to be decoded. :rtype: bytes """ if not data: raise OATHError('Invalid base32 string') elif not (data.isupper() or data.islower()): raise OATHError( 'Base32 string cannot be both upper- and lowercased') if self.check_library_version(b'2.0.0'): # pragma: no cover return oath.base32_decode(data) else: # pragma: no cover return self._py_base32_decode(data)
[docs] def hotp_generate(self, secret, moving_factor, digits, add_checksum=False, truncation_offset=-1): """ Generate a one-time password using the HOTP algorithm (:rfc:`4226`). :param bytes secret: The secret string used to generate the one-time password. :param int moving_factor: unsigned, can be :func:`long`, in theory. A counter indicating where in OTP stream to generate an OTP. :param int digits: unsigned, the number of digits of the one-time password. :param bool add_checksum: Whether to add a checksum digit (depending on the version of ``liboath`` used, this may be ignored). :param int truncation_offset: A truncation offset to use, if not set to a negative value (which means ``2^32 - 1``). :return: one-time password :rtype: :func:`bytes` """ return oath.hotp_generate(secret, moving_factor, digits, add_checksum, truncation_offset)
[docs] def hotp_validate(self, secret, start_moving_factor, window, otp): """ Validate a one-time password generated using the HOTP algorithm (:rfc:`4226`). :param bytes secret: The secret used to generate the one-time password. :param int start_moving_factor: Unsigned, can be :func:`long`, in theory. The start counter in the OTP stream. :param int window: The number of OTPs after the start offset OTP to test. :param bytes otp: The one-time password to validate. :return: The position in the OTP window, where ``0`` is the first position. :rtype: int :raise: :class:`OATHError` if invalid """ return oath.hotp_validate(secret, start_moving_factor, window, otp)
[docs] def totp_generate(self, secret, now, time_step_size, time_offset, digits): """ Generate a one-time password using the TOTP algorithm (:rfc:`6238`). :param bytes secret: The secret string used to generate the one-time password. :param int now: The UNIX timestamp (usually the current one) :param time_step_size: Unsigned, the time step system parameter. If set to :data:`None`, defaults to ``30``. :type time_step_size: :func:`int` or :data:`None` :param int time_offset: The UNIX timestamp of when to start counting time steps (usually should be ``0``). :param int digits: The number of digits of the one-time password. :return: one-time password :rtype: :func:`bytes` """ return oath.totp_generate(secret, now, time_step_size, time_offset, digits)
[docs] def totp_validate(self, secret, now, time_step_size, start_offset, window, otp): """ Validate a one-time password generated using the TOTP algorithm (:rfc:`6238`). :param bytes secret: The secret used to generate the one-time password. :param int now: The UNIX timestamp (usually the current one) :param time_step_size: Unsigned, the time step system parameter. If set to :data:`None`, defaults to ``30``. :type time_step_size: :func:`int` or :data:`None` :param int start_offset: The UNIX timestamp of when to start counting time steps (usually should be ``0``). :param int window: The number of OTPs before and after the start OTP to test. :param bytes otp: The one-time password to validate. :return: The absolute and relative positions in the OTP window, where ``0`` is the first position. :rtype: :class:`oath_toolkit.types.OTPPosition` :raise: :class:`OATHError` if invalid """ return oath.totp_validate(secret, now, time_step_size, start_offset, window, otp)